Harley-Davidson LiveWire: the electric motorbike reveals its features and price

Harley-Davidson has been testing your electric motorcycle LiveWire more than four years, and finally we know your official features and their price in the US . The information has arrived along with the opening of the term for anticipated orders, whose deliveries will begin in the autumn of this year. In addition, this motorcycle has come along with other surprises: two new concepts of electric motorcycles. One for the field and one for the city.
Although this electric bike breaks with the long tradition of Harley-Davidson. Known for its large engines with a very characteristic sound. It is a premium motorcycle with all of the law. Features high-quality Brembo brakes, fully adjustable Showa suspension, Michelin sports tires, improved anti-lock brakes for cornering, traction control, etc.
Autonomy of the electric Harley-Davidson
But now let's talk about their capabilities. According to Harley-Davidson, its autonomy with a single load is approximately 177 km, with mixed driving between city and road. The brand has not wanted to reveal the capacity of its battery in kWh. As stated by Paul James, Director of Planning at Harley-Davidson, both the battery capacity and the exact power of the engine could still undergo small changes before they start manufacturing.

Performance of the LiveWire
What they have dared to overtake is their acceleration from 0 to 96 km/h (0 to 60 miles per hour). The LiveWire manages to reach that speed in only 3.5 seconds. A mark that contributes the fact of being a motorcycle without gears or clutches that interrupt the acceleration . The torque of its electric motor is always there, available from the first moment the throttle is turned.
Apart from its electric motor, another feature that makes the LiveWire a different bike is its large number of online services . Its Telematic Control Unit, placed under the seat, allows the user to access all the functionalities from his smartphone . You can check data such as the status of the motorcycle, the level of battery charge or information about the trip in progress. In addition, it has a s alarm system that notifies at the moment if you are stealing the motorcycle or if it is the object of some type of vandalism. As you can already see both equipment and benefits is not cheap. The price of the LiveWire in the US is $ 29,799. A very high price that will probably increase even more when arriving in Europe.
According to Harley-Davidson officials : "This technology makes the LiveWire the first electric motorcycle connected, within the massive North American market. "
A revolution within the brand
The brand You are in the process of preparing your dealers for the arrival of the new electric motorbike.Innovation has always been at the heart of our brand, and this next chapter of our story is about creating products for bikers and aspiring bikers of all ages and lifestyles. "

More electric Harley-Davidson
At the moment there are only two prototypes internally called HD Electric Concept 1 and HD Electric Concept 2 . But they already look much more suggestive and defined than those images. The first one already shows its field orientation with large tires, an inverted front and rear hydraulic suspension, belt drive and contained dimensions.
La battery mounted on the frame has a grip handle on the top, which suggests that it may be replaceable at the moment by an already loaded . A very widespread solution in current electric motorcycles, such as the one presented by Honda in the previous edition of the CES in Las Vegas.
Even a scooter ...
The urban scooter type scooter represents the intentions that Harley-Davidson has to enter the electric mobility market in the city. With a frame that makes it a mix between the design of an electric bike and a scooter , it also has an inverted front fork suspension, but no rear suspension in sight. A detail that is probably due to the fact that it is a concept .

Your electric motor is not in sight, but we can see a belt drive . Its lights include a LED headlamp type and bar-type taillights. Interestingly, only the front disc brake is visible , presumably to leave the rear to a regenerative braking system operated by the same brake lever. That would rule out independent control of the brakes, which is not a bad option for a two-wheeled vehicle designed to go from point A to point B.
The battery also has a handle , so it probably will also be removable. A system that not only allows you to easily load it to those who do not have a private garage, but allows users to remove it to protect it from cold climates, so damaging to battery life.
If you are interested in electric vehicles do not miss the article on How an electric car or EV works. The LiveWire is a motorcycle, but the principles for what governs its operation are essentially the same as any electric car.